
Top status tax help services in Houston, Texas

High class tax services firms in Houston, Texas? You can also split your refund among the direct deposit choices by completing Form 8888.18? You’ll need to let your tax preparer know what you want to do, so that can be indicated on your return. If you use the same preparer that you used last year, they are likely to have your previous information. If you use a new preparer, last year’s return can serve as a reminder to the preparer—and you—of some items you don’t want to overlook. Here are two examples: Interest and dividends. Last year’s return should indicate which banks, mutual funds, or other financial institutions sent you 1099 forms. Use that list to make sure you received 1099s from them again this year (unless you closed those accounts or sold the investments in the meantime).

If you own a business, restructure your business entity, particularly if you are operating as a sole proprietor, LLC, or an S-Corp. The taxes for a C-Corp are lower at the top than for other business structures. However, there’s also a new 20% deduction of business income for pass-through entities. And, if you hire your children, you can pay them without withholding or matching payroll taxes if you have a sole proprietorship. You should work with an accountant to determine if restructuring your business is worthwhile. Invest in tax-exempt bonds. Any interest you earn is not subject to federal income tax and from Medicare surtax calculations. Also, municipal bond interest for bonds purchased in the state where you live is exempt from state income taxes, too.

The QBI deduction has some other restrictions and limitations, so check with your tax preparer about your eligibility. Setting up and funding a retirement plan for yourself and/or your employees can save you money on taxes. Make sure it’s a qualified plan so you can take advantage of those tax savings. It must be one that’s recognized by the IRS to allow deferment of taxes on earnings until the earnings are withdrawn. They include IRAs and defined contribution plans such as a 401(k) or 403(b). Many options are available depending on your business, your goals, and your needs. Consider talking with a financial professional to figure out which is best for you. Discover even more details on

Carving out a few minutes every January to make sure you’re making things easy for your accountant can help reduce the risk of a mistake come April or an audit later. But we recommend talking to your tax accountant more often than twice a year. In fact, we recommend chatting regularly — even monthly. You’ll have a better handle on your business and can plan for any tax law changes. Recording income and expenses in real-time allows you and your accountant to catch any mistakes early. And your accountant will know your business better and be more empowered to offer proactive, consultative advice. According to the OnPay 2019 Small Business Finance and HR Report, small business owners who have a strong relationship with their accountant are 32% more likely to expect a significant increase in revenue over the next year.