
Best professional indemnity policy recommendations for doctors

Top professional indemnity policy guides for doctors? Dr Good Money is a Doctor who is Good with Money. The Idea of Dr Good Money came with the experience of the Financial Challenges doctors got exposed to during Covid times. It was a general opinion that Doctors profession is stable and recession proof, which till now was considered to be true, and to some extent it actually is. But, OPDs were shut, Surgeries are being delayed, and patients also prefer tele calling with Doctors as visiting hospitals may expose them to more risk, that showed doctors Income may also be in distress in some situations.

You will get a Detailed Financial Plan with clear action points, which will act as a Road Map for you to do well in your Money Life. The Earlier you Start, better it is. But In Financial Planning its never too late. If you are a beginner or have already started investing or have been investing for quite many years, but are not sure which direction you are going and if you are on Right Track or not.

We will start with answering your questions about us, our system and processes. When you are fully convinced and likes to go ahead, then we will share an Agreement for you to read and sign. This will explain in writing what we are going to do and what are the different steps involved. This is the First Step in Transparent Dealings. What we say will give you in writing.

Frankly, at first, I was a bit reluctant to engage a fee based financial planner. After all, when everything is available online for Free, why to pay for the advice. But later, I realized that there is a lot of information (unrequired) available around, which confuses rather than convince you. So, it’s wise to have a professional financial planner by your side. I was following Manikaran’s blog ( for quite some time. I liked his thought process and decided to try his services. To my surprise I found out that his first aim was to make his clients gain financial education, and in that he was very patient as well as sincere. His ultimate objective is to make things understandable and clear to the client, he believes in simplicity and makes sure that complications stay away from you. His help in goal setting, mapping investing surplus to different goals, knowing me and my family’s risk profile, knowing when to disagree and why…has made my financial life quite simple and growth-oriented. Rather than googling and confusing myself with the different reviews and articles, I get Filtered information, which is more important for me. Now I know where to go for all my financial doubts. Read even more details at Financial Planning for doctors.

What about the existing Investments?Will you take care of that too? Yes Definitely. First we have to review those investments and see if they are still a good fit as per your financial Plan. Then weed out the Unsuitable ones. We may like to shift the investments under our management by switching them to the lower cost versions where ever possible. What If I want to disengage with you in future? How easy is that process? Its Very Simple actually. You just have to tell us a Month in advance. Since the Invested products would be in your name and direct control, you may create your own logins on different websites and start managing your money on your own.

With the stable profession and Recession proof Income, you are exposed to many sellers and less advisors. You are sold with Credit Cards, Different Types of easy Loans with less documentation. You become the preferred choice of Real Estate Brokers. Slowly you find that with money going into all the debts, your Financial Wellness is getting Compromised. Due to time constraints, You are exposed to many MIS sellers. You have a lot of insurance policies but still, are under insured. You may have a lot of mutual funds with no targeted goals. You may also have invested in PMS with no understanding of how it actually works. You oblige everyone from bankers, friends, to relatives, and end up with a skewed portfolio with no clear cut structure and direction. Read additional info at