
Vertical growing systems suppliers by OPTICLIMATE

Vertical farming equipment wholesale from China: One such method that is, quite literally, on the up, is vertical farming. With more and more industry players embracing this innovative growing method, citing it as a more sustainable, smarter way to address a looming global food shortage, it’s little surprise that the vertical farming market is projected to grow over the next decade. In 2021, the Global Vertical Farming Market amounted to around $3.5 billion, and is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 25.3% from 2022 to 2030, reaching $25.7 billion by 2030. Find more info on vertical farming systems

While vertical farming is an exciting new development for the food supply sector, this new method is not without its drawbacks. First, the consumer cost of items grown in vertical farms is much higher than the costs of traditionally grown items. This results from the massive amount of funding still needed to build farms large enough to allow for lower prices. Equipment also adds to the price tag; heating and cooling systems, shading technologies, lights, environmental controls, and other equipment all require considerable capital.

Sustainable Practices – Warehouse farmlands can make agriculture more efficient and sustainable. The reduced reliance on soil and water means less natural resource consumption. Additionally, indoor farming allows farmers to cultivate crops in urban areas, reducing transportation costs and carbon emissions from long-distance shipping. Lastly, warehouse farms don’t require toxic chemicals and pesticides that cause greenhouse gas emissions since the controlled environment naturally keeps pests and weeds out. Indoor farming shows great promise in tackling today’s biggest agricultural challenges. However, there are several critical factors to consider when setting it up.

OptiClimatefarm lab team has been working on something even more unusual – saffron, aka the world’s most expensive spice. For years, the team has commercialized the growing of vertical leafy greens, herbs, tomatoes & peppers for global growers. 4 tons of saffron seed balls could be grown in only 100m2 OptiClimatefarm with Smart Climate + Artificial Light vertical grow rack technology to optimize planting density in a controlled environment indoors.

The Importance of Energy-efficient HVAC Systems in Vertical Farming: Vertical farms are typically enclosed structures where crops are grown in stacked layers or on vertical surfaces. This controlled environment allows farmers to maximize space utilization and minimize water and pesticide usage. However, maintaining optimal conditions within these structures is crucial for plant growth, yield, and overall farm profitability. Energy-efficient HVAC systems help maintain optimal temperature levels in vertical farms.

In addition, it is necessary to map the environment so that the design of, for example, a chiller/cooling water installation can also take the noise level into account. Higher requirements will be placed in a built environment than in an industrial area. On top of that, lighting is also of great importance in vertical farming. It is important to adjust the lighting to the HVAC system so that an optimal growing environment is created. In addition, controlling lighting can also help reduce energy consumption.

In a few decades, indoor city farms or vertical farms have become popular for producing healthy food year-round in urban environments and harsh climates. We began a long-term series of research studies on DFT tomatoes at our OptiClimatefarm R&D Center. To develop an effective DFT indoor farm, we built on our years of know-how and experience from both greenhouse growers and vertical farms. Over the past decade, tomato production has been optimized with high-tech automation and data management. We can use this tremendous amount of knowledge and adapt and implement the same vision and technology in an indoor farm. Read even more info at

Grow Room Environmental Control System is one of the main series of OptiClimate products, which also includes HVAC, LED/HPS lighting, Co2 + controller , dehumidifiers & Ventilation equipment, OptiClimate can always provide the professional plant growth solutions. Being important parts of OptiClimate Farms, the environmental products are designed with compact size and plug-and-play installation, for the easy control of the temperature, the humidify and other elements of the environment in the farms. With its open Protocol and standard interface, it could be connected and controlled through centralized system together with other products of OptiClimate Farms. Automated climate control.Ideal environment to grow in any climate and season.

HVAC provides the right humidity level in the growing environment, which is essential for plant growth. An HVAC system can maintain constant humidity levels and thus provide optimal growing conditions. HVAC ensures good air circulation in the growing environment, which provides sufficient CO2 and oxygen for healthy plant growth. Additionally, air circulation can help prevent mold and rot. HVAC ensures good air quality in the growing environment by filtering out pollutants like dust, mold, and bacteria, which creates a healthy growing environment. The filtration system can also reduce odors in the environment.