
Best rated data cloud security advices

Quality cloud security advices{||| today| right now| 2022| from Identity is the new perimeter. Sonrai makes sure your perimeter has no holes. Sonrai is the only source for comprehensive intelligence on identity-to-data pathways at the enterprise scale. Our proprietary, big data analytics engine continuously updates every complex path an identity has used or could use to access data — no matter how many relationships and inheritances are involved — to offer visibility that’s always rooted in full context and actionable understanding. Sonrai gives you a clear picture of all activity, all relationships, and all identities in your cloud. See everything, connect everything, and build a solid foundation for your cloud security. See additional details at Stakeholder value metrics: Track progress over time with digestible KPIs that give your team benchmarks and make sense to executives.

Understand lateral movement risk – no matter how complex. Identities, often representing services and non-human users, can inherit a series of roles, group memberships, and permission sets and chain them together to bridge a path to sensitive data. Sonrai provides a true, full view of identity access that understands and accounts for potential access via cloud-specific rights like privilege escalation, improper separation of duties, or abuse of the “confused deputy problem.”

Monitor critical resources and enforce Least Access where it matters. Least access is extremely important to apply to critical resources. But as a strict policy goal, it’s difficult to apply it to every piece of data. When you consider that your cloud comprises tens of thousands of pieces of compute and thousands of roles with rights and privileges to access data, this becomes a daunting task. Sonrai’s Identity Graph lets you understand every identity’s historical data access and potential access, allowing you to enforce a least access policy in the right places without placing unnecessary tripwires elsewhere. Certain data assets are so sensitive that you need to know everything happening to them. Sonrai will show behavioral use and access pattern changes to these critical resources.

That cloud security is a growing concern and that identities (specifically, non-person identities) are a critical factor of it is not surprising to us at all. To give an example of scale, Sonrai measures 30,000 unique permissions across all three major clouds with 17 new permissions being added every day. Think about that, with the rapid growth both in the usage of the cloud, and the complexity of Identity Management, how can even the most well-funded teams keep up? They don’t, and often times they operate with significant risks in their cloud, to which they are completely blind.

Vulnerability prioritization for VMs and containers requires going beyond age, CVSS score, and exploit status. Sonrai Risk Amplifiers leverage the sonrai identity graph to highlight vulnerabilities with access to administrator privileges, access to sensitive data, or connected externally. Deploy Sonrai’s lightweight agentless scanner for workload insights without heavy cloud resource requirements – or enrich the Sonrai platform with existing scanner data. See even more information at