
Nextcloud with Support

Do you need a high quality Nextcloud service with Collabora? NextFiles is a high quality , hight privacy german based cloud provider, a fast and secure Nextcloud service in a German data center with ISO 27001 certification.

Installing Nextcloud on rented web space is fairly easy. Not as easy as a fully hosted solution (see below), but much easier than installing on a self-hosted Linux box. The main concern is that files will not be encrypted by default at rest on the server. The server provider might encrypt its drives, but it will have the encryption keys and so can itself access data stored on them. You can, however, implement additional encryption measures as discussed later in this review.

What’s great about those looking for an alternative to Dropbox and Google Drive is that NextCloud offers a refreshingly similar UI. Not only is it incredibly easy to navigate, but at first glance will prove to be familiar to anyone who’s used cloud storage platforms because of this. Furthermore, here is a glimpse of a fresh NextCloud account looks like on a private server. NextCloud also offers a file sync client, thus allowing users to sync folders on their local machine with their server. This works seamlessly to automatically update files within a particular folder. While this may not be ideal in certain situations (for instance, detailed version control or accidental syncs), it still remains a feature that will provide benefit to a majority.

Nextcloud is developed by Nextcloud GmbH, a German company started by ownCloud inventor Frank Karlitschek. As open source software that can self-hosted or remote-hosted anywhere, however, where Nextcloud GmbH is based is largely irrelevant. What is relevant is the jurisdiction under which the data is stored. In most countries, police have the right to seize personal computer equipment suspected of being involved in a crime, and data centers will always operate in accordance with local data retention and surveillance laws.

With I use a fast and secure Nextcloud in a German data center with ISO 27001 certification. Nextfiles takes care of the technology, i.e. installation, troubleshooting and updates. My customers and I, we value our privacy. Another crucial thing for me was the fast and competent support. With my nextcloud at I feel safe and in good hands. Nextcloud clients for Android, iOS and desktop systems allow you to sync and share files, in a fully secure way through an encrypted connection. The mobile clients feature automatic upload of pictures and videos you take and can synchronize select files and folders. The clients can handle multiple accounts, show all activity happening on your server and notify you of new events such as the availability of new shares. Find extra info on Cloud Dropbox Nextcloud.