
Brave browser strong points and real anonymity

Searching for Brave browser details? So, what is all this wait for? Visit the official website of Brave Browser and give your surfing a new, fast and secure dimension. We promise that you will not regret the decision of downloading this all-rounder browser. We all can surely sense and feel the ongoing buzz of the brave browser on various internet platforms. That clingy yet enthralling advertisements of the browser on YouTube, Facebook and on your favorite web pages must have caught your attention. You might have heard about the miracles and boons of brave browser but is it really worth it on android too? Downloading a new recently released application on your phone surely seems quite demanding due to the limited storage capacity. You seem to be in search of that confidence required to download a brave browser in your android phone and to give a chance to this versatile browser. Don’t worry! We will give you what you are looking for! This article has highlighted all the hidden details in addition to well-known facts of the android version of brave.

However, Brave will never collect,store or sell any personal data about you. The data is your personal property and they have no right about it ( as per Brave’s terms of service). This is one of the reasons why million monthly active users chose Brave as their default browser. The Brave BAT is the main way Brave is making money. One of the most important things is that the Brave browser have all these security features on default from when you install it. You don’t need to edit them or be a computer guru to solve those, they come like that since you install it. Brave also blocks ad trackers and also – you can create a private tab with tor browser, which basically makes you completely anonymous. For more details, you can check the Brave github as the entire project is open source.

Brave is free! You’ll always be able to use Brave without paying in either money or your personal information. Shields protects you from tracking as you browse the web. Brave Rewards lets you earn tokens by viewing ads and pays it forward to the people who create the stuff you love online. All for free. If you want to support sites in Brave without earning tokens through ads then you’ll have to use your own money. Everything else is on us — and ?Brave has a lot of features?.

Support your favorite sites with Brave Rewards! Turn on Brave Rewards and give a little back to the sites you frequent most. Earn frequent flyer-like tokens (BAT) for viewing privacy-respecting ads through Brave and help fund the content you love. Browsing the web with Brave is free: with Brave Rewards activated, you can support the content creators you love at the amount that works for you.

Brave Rewards: It’s always your choice to be part of Brave Rewards and help creators keep creating. The web is built by content creators. Most depend on an ad-based revenue stream which allows them to keep creating. Unfortunately, the current system is failing to deliver on that promise — the middlemen and platform operators capture most of today’s ad revenue, while creating malware distribution and ad fraud opportunities. Brave Rewards upends this broken system and provides a new way forward for creator support. Brave Rewards puts every aspect of this process under your control. Find extra details at Brave Browser.

Great sites deserve a tip too! Tip any site owner via the Brave Rewards Panel. The web is full of great content in the form of web sites, blogs, small online mags and creative portfolios. You can tip any of them by opening the Brave Rewards panel and hitting the “Send a tip” button.